Environmental, Social, And Closure Compliance

Responsible mining practices are continually evolving with ever more emphasis being placed on values-based behaviours that deliver sustainable benefits for people and the planet. Even long after a mine has closed. Wegmar Limited helps clients to prioritise responsible closure of their mines – as responsible and compliant mine closure is good for business and society. And the potential for industry collaboration and innovation to support well-planned mine closures that ensure the sustainability of local communities and the natural environment.

The social and economic benefits of closing a mine are usually significant and underline the importance of early preparation. A wide variety of alternative uses for mined lands is available including adapting post-closure landscapes for forestry, agriculture or wildlife habitat, or use of land for recreational purposes. Some post-closure land uses have the possibility of generating economic benefits which could potentially facilitate transfer of the site to a third party once closed or provide for ongoing post-closure operating and maintenance costs.

Strategic environmental planning saves money. What are the issues and regulations? How do you minimize your liabilities? We have the specific experience you need to satisfy the regulations and apply cost effective, technically sound solutions to your environmental challenges.

Wegmar Limited provides landfill design, hazardous waste management, environmental monitoring, and closure services for clients.

  • Mine Closure and Reclamation
  • Environmental Geochemistry and Acid Rock Drainage
  • Contaminated Sites
  • Environmental and Social Services